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Sales Recruitment Advice and Tips
Employers Hub | How to give your sales staff constructive criticism

Many managers can be hesitant to provide their employees with feedback mainly because it is confronting, but also because images of emotional breakdowns and temper tantrums come to mind. This is where constructive feedback comes to the rescue. If implemented effectively, you can reduce the drama, and instead have an insightful conversation that leads to…

Role-play: How it can be an effective interview technique to find your next sales rep

In a study conducted by BioMed Central Education, 96.5%[1] of students surveyed found role-play to be beneficial in enhancing their communication skills. It’s a commonly used training tool; so why not incorporate it into your interview procedure? A role-play interview is when a candidate acts out a scenario, in an effort to help determine their…

How to spot potential in grad recruits

University graduates who have recently completed their degree, also known as ‘grads’, not only make up a large percentage of the workforce but are also the future of the sales industry. Why you ask? Though millennials often get a bad rep, there are actually many benefits of adding them to your sales team. These fresh-faced…

Job Seekers Hub | Hey Grads! Don’t hide your social media profiles

As a fresh grad, landing your first job in the “adult world” is hard. With little corporate experience and a million options at your fingertips, the job hunt can feel overwhelming, confusing, and downright impossible to start. As the Graduate Recruitment Manager here at Pulse Recruitment, I meet with a number of fresh grads every…

The importance of commission structures: The good, the bad and the ugly

Check out our Sales Commission Structure Examples here!   In any company with a sales department, a well-planned commission structure is a critical factor to success. It is a way to compensate your sales reps for their hard work and diligence after an often lengthy transaction. Like all good things in life, they come in…

Pulse News | Pulse Gets Personal – The Taryn Allanson Edition

Next up on our Pulse Gets Personal Series is our lovely Education Consultant, Taryn Allanson. She is a recent graduate who brings energy, enthusiasm, and an analytical approach to her work. Taryn goes the extra mile with her candidates to ensure they have a positive experience with Pulse Recruitment. Without further ado… Tell us about…