Employers Hub | 5 ways to recruit top salespeople in Australia
Sales recruitment in Australia is one of the most challenging and demanding fields in any organisation. Finding the right sales team requires you to take a strategic and thoughtful approach to recruitment. To create an effective sales team, hiring managers should have an insider’s knowledge about the type of talent that will thrive in the company’s culture and role. A strong sales team can lead to a variety of benefits, including increased revenue, faster sales cycles, better products, and happy customers. But creating this winning team takes time, research, and strategic thinking from hiring managers. There are many challenges when it comes to recruiting top talent for your sales department. However, with the right strategies, you can attract great people in no time at all!
1 Know your hiring requirements
Before you even start recruiting, you need to know the specific requirements for your sales team. This includes the typical career path of your salespeople and any specialised skills they will need to possess. It’s also important to know the types of sales your company needs to focus on more. For example, if you have a B2B solution, you will need to focus on enterprise sales and salespeople with experience in this field. On the other hand, if you are a start-up and launching a new product to the Australian market, you may need a more general sales team that can focus on a variety of sales paths. Knowing your hiring requirements will help you target the right people during your recruitment process. It can also help you identify salespeople who could use a different position or type of sales work better than what you have available.
2 Advertise the right way
When advertising for salespeople, keep in mind the type of person you want on the team. If you have a general sales role, you may want to target general job boards like SEEK or LinkedIn for sales candidates. You may want to look at headhunting instead if you have a more specific or niche sales role in tech and software. This is where sales recruiters come in handy. In any case, hiring managers should have a clear and concise description of the role and job requirements. This is the first impression your company makes on candidates and can either help or hurt your chances of finding the right people. To help attract a diverse range of candidates, try to include more than just the job title and requirements in your advertisements. Instead, focus on the culture of the company, the benefits and perks of the role, and how salespeople can thrive in your sales environment.
3 Leverage technology
Sales is an ever-changing and evolving field. To help your sales team keep up with the latest trends and technologies, you may want to consider leveraging technology in your recruitment process. There are many sales recruitment platforms available. These technologies can help you screen candidates and make sure you have a diverse range of salespeople on your team.
This can be great for helping you find passive candidates who are not actively looking for new jobs. You can also use these platforms to host internal sales competitions and create virtual sales challenges for your team. These competitions can help you bring out the best in your salespeople and identify top talent across your company.
4 Create a culture that attracts top talent
There is no doubt that top salespeople want to work for companies with a great culture in Australia. If you want to attract the best salespeople, you need to have a clear idea of what your company culture is. You need to be clear about what your company values are, and how you want your salespeople to behave in the workplace. You also need to be upfront about what the sales job really takes and what sacrifices salespeople can expect to make. Once you know what your company culture is, you need to share this information with potential sales candidates. You can do this by creating a company page on LinkedIn or your website and share your company values and mission. Once you have a clear view of your company culture and are transparent about it, you can attract top salespeople who want to work in a company with a clear and defined culture.
5 Be intentional with your hiring process
There is no one-size-fits-all hiring process that works best for all sales teams. However, hiring managers do need to be intentional with their hiring process to make sure they are hiring the right people. Your hiring process should include the following steps:
- Selecting the right sales roles – The first thing you need to do is identify the roles you need to fill on your sales team. Be sure to consider your current sales cycle and the number of salespeople you currently have on the team.
- Creating a job description – Once you know the roles you need to fill, you need to create detailed job descriptions for each position. Job descriptions provide a clear picture of the requirements for each role and what each person will do on a daily basis.
- Making the job descriptions stand out – Once you have written your job descriptions, you need to make sure they jump off the page. The best way to do this is by showcasing your team and company in a unique and positive way. What is your point of difference? Make sure you highlight this as much as possible.
Sales in Australia is a complex role that requires specific skills and traits. With the right hiring process and following a plan to attract top salespeople, you can create a productive and successful sales team.